Student and Postdoc
Presentation Awards
Congraulations to our 2019 Award Winners!
Poster Awards:
I. Ying Shi Teh (Student), California Institute of Technology, “Modeling photovoltaic effect in multi-domain ferroelectric perovskite oxides”.
II. Michele Kotiuga (PostDoc), Rutgers University Postdoc, “A first-principles study of polar charge-ordered SrIrO3 / LaNiO3 superlattices”.
III. Kevin Smith (Student), University of Tennessee, “Infrared nano-spectroscopy of ferroelastic domain walls in hybrid improper ferroelectric Ca3Ti2O7“
Oral Presentation Awards:
I. Pavan Nukala (PostDoc), University of Groningen, “Nanoscale ferroelectricity in HfO2 -ZrO2 alloys”.
II. Manila Songvilay (PostDoc), University of Edinburgh, “Lifetime shortened acoustic phonons and static order at the Brillouin zone boundary in the organic-inorganic perovskite CH3NH3PbCl3“
III. John Bonini (Student), Rutgers University, “First-principles bulk-layer model for dielectric and piezoelectric responses in superlattices”.